My first official “hero print” of a repeating pattern is complete. It still needs some work, but my frogs are happy for now hanging out in their pond. Why the heck I attempted something so complicated for my first major pattern is a mystery to me. But it was a lot of fun. The good news is, I had something in my head and was pretty successful at executing it. I can see things I need to fix but I am happy as I was able to pull this off. I feel like I was flying by the seat of my pants. But it was a fun ride.
I learned so many things doing this. First, I have come closer to my style. The first two frogs I drew I actually want to re-draw because my style changed so much as I got more comfortable in Adobe Illustrator. The last frog I did felt like “YES!” That’s my guy! LOL
I also realized that I am very comfortable creating for the children’s market. Making these guys made me laugh – a lot. I made up stories in my head about them and gave them names and personalities. The inner kid in me had a blast and I definitely realize I want to stick to this market – at least for now.
Below is a screenshot of the repeating pattern as is looks in Adobe Illustrator.